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Villa Avellanas – CasaShared

Villa Avellanas

R$ 22500
1/8 ownership
Total House Price
R$ 100,000
Endereço Rod, BA-099, S/N, Mata de São João, Bahia - 40280-000 View Map


Details on the cost of this CasaShared home

Co-Ownership Price

$ 100,000
$ 12,500

Property Upgrades

Furniture, interior improvements, etc.
$ 10000

Taxes & Fees

Legal filings, appraisal, due dilligence

CasaShared Serive Fee

One time fee of 13%

Price for 1/8 ownership

45 nights per year

What is CasaShared?

CasaShared is an online marketplace where you can buy tropical tiny homes on the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica. You can either own the home outright, or split ownership up to 8 ways.

How does co-ownership work?

Co-ownership allows you to purchase your dream vacation home at a fraction of the regular cost. You split the cost with one or more other owners and share the time spent at the property with them as well. CasaShared manages all the details, and you enjoy your vacation life on the beach.

How many co-owners are there per home?

CasaShared properties are split anywhere between two and eight shares, depending on how much one wants to invest and how much time they plan on spending at the property. Your CasaShared representative will help you find the perfect situation for your lifestyle and budget.

How is a CasaShared home different than a timeshare?

Timeshares are well-known money pits. You don’t get to cash out on your investments, and if you don’t use your time, you lose it. With a CasaShared single-family home, you own the property and build equity with every payment. You can sell on your terms at your determined price, as well as rent to others with no restrictions.*

Does CasaShared charge fees?

If you are becoming a co-owner, we charge a one-time 12% service fee when shared are purchased. But if you purchase a full unit, you can save! The one-time services fee goes down to 7%.

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